We invite you to come to our next information meeting that will take place on:
Saturday, January 21, 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00.
For more information and for reserving a space send us an email to: hi@freewegrow.co.uk
This event is only for adults.
We invite you to come to our next information meeting that will take place on:
Saturday, January 21, 2018 from 15:00 to 17:00.
For more information and for reserving a space send us an email to: hi@freewegrow.co.uk
This event is only for adults.
Following the great interest generated by the event ‘Introduction to Thomas Gordon’s Book: Parent Effectiveness Training’, Free We Grow is excited to announce that we will be hosting a P.E.T. course offered by trainer Val Windfield in the premises of Dacres Wood.
Join us for this great chance to learn new skills that will enrich your way of parenting!
More information here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/parent-effectiveness-training-pet-tickets-41323392379?aff=es2
By Rowan Salim
I was watching a Ted Talk the other week called ‘Nature is everywhere, we just have to learn to see it’, by Emma Marris, an environmental writer who writes for National Geographic. In her talk she makes the point that we have stolen ‘nature’ from our children. And by that she doesn’t mean that we’ve stolen nature itself, but that we’ve stolen the definition of nature, the word itself. Continue reading “Rambunctious nature rambunctious children”
The moment I heard the group had voted to go visit Pinewood on a day the wonderful Forest Families community meets I felt very excited and moved. For those who don’t know much about Forest Families, it is a learning community of adults and children who meet every Thursday in a beautiful little woodland in Croydon. Our family has been incredibly lucky to be part of this group since it started and we feel a very strong connection to the people and the space. Continue reading “From Dacres Wood to Pinewood”
If you are interested in joining the Free We Grow Community, we invite you to come to our next information meeting that will take place on:
Saturday, November 11, 2017 from 17:00 to 19:00.
For more information and for reserving a space send us an email to: hi@freewegrow.co.uk
This event is only for adults.
This author offers some very interesting tools to enhance healthy communication between adults and children and on how to resolve conflicts.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 from 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Find out more here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-thomas-gordons-book-parent-effectiveness-training-tickets-38818220342
By Sally Hall
One vivid image strikes me most when I think back over our first few weeks at Dacres Wood: the troop of children joyfully bouncing and zipping around the woods, along the bridge, to the courtyard like a deer herd, bellowing and screeching as they go.
We are excited to share with you the opening of our public Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/freewegrow/
There you will find information about upcoming events, such as Information Meetings, self-directed play and learning discussion sessions, as well as publications that contribute to the world of alternative education.
Come on and join us, like us, share us and be part of our exciting community!
If you are interested in joining the Free We Grow Community, we invite you to come to our next information meeting that will take place on Thursday, September 28, 2017 from 17.00 to 18.30.
For more information and for reserving a space send us an email to: hi@freewegrow.co.uk
This event is only for adults.
The ‘getting to know each other’ camp will run for 3 days from the 17th until the 19th of July 2017. The camp is intended for families who plan to join the Free We Grow community, to get to know each other and the spaces we will be turning into our part-time home from September 2017. These three days will involve plenty of play time for children and adults, time to talk, cook and eat together, make things, play music, imagine and dream. It is also an opportunity for us to practice meetings, start imagining and co-creating our culture and preparing for the opening of our space after the summer. Most importantly, it’s a time to have fun!
We would like families to join us for all three days (17th, 18th and 19th of July), however if this is not possible, then we would encourage you to attend for a minimum of two days.
During the 17th and 18th parents are encouraged to attend with their children. On the 19th, parents will be encouraged to drop off their children for the day or the amount of time they consider can work for the individual child.
Please send us an email to hi@freewegrow.co.uk for detailed information on the program, times, location, kit, food arrangements, and costs.
Confirm your attendance by June 30th, 2017.